Air Conditioning Retrofit in Baltimore, Lutherville-Timonium, Ellicott City, MD and the Surrounding Areas

Let’s Talk About Air Conditioning Retrofit in Baltimore

Air Conditioning Retrofit In Baltimore, MDAir conditioning retrofit in BaltimoreLutherville-Timonium, Ellicott City, MD and the surrounding areas is something that more and more families are reaching for, especially after that record-breaking hot July in recent years. Not to mention that temperatures are projected to keep on rising by scientists.

Therefore, if you don’t already have a central air conditioning system in your house, this might be the perfect time to start considering it. Because if not, the following years could see you simply melt away like someone opened the Ark of the Covenant next to you!

What Do I Need to Know About Retrofit Air Conditioning?

If you already have the ductwork, everything will be a lot easier

For example, if you have been using a furnace up until now that had a duct system to distribute heat through your house, you have luck on your part. A good HVAC team will install the AC with some duct modification. Your ducts need be inspected. This might lead to a series of modifications because the ducts need to fit a much bigger volume of air that is being produced by the air conditioner. Ironically some old ducts were, in fact, bigger. That’s why they might work well when you retrofit central air conditioning.

However, if you’ve been using boilers or radiators, things can get a little more complicated. The first option you will be presented with is to install some new ductwork.

You can also go duct-free

But don’t fret because the option of going duct-free is also available. Ductless air conditioners are also called mini-splits. We’ve covered them extensively in other pieces right here on our website so why don’t you check that out? – (interlinking)

But simply put mini-splits are less expensive and very compact. Which means you can install them in any part of the house you want. Apart from that, they are also a lot more efficient seeing as they don’t lose the energy that leaks out in the shape of cold air from the ducts.

If you’re serious when it comes to retrofit air conditioning, then all you have to do is give us a call. We’ll offer you the best solution tailored for your needs!

Have questions?  Submit a request through our online request form or give us a call and our specialist will help guide you through the different Air Conditioning Retrofit options.
